Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I just came back online and found this from a mr. matty moo.
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
hallo sexyt - mr for be ery pised
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
you don knoow niffui n about trawberry daerrts
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
cause you're funny and that eh?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
anf it's nbot classic cause you don't know niuffin
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
but you're funbny tiououg, heaps funny
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
why does water taste like punch?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
Emlee where are uou?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
hay!!!!! emlee!!!!
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
I dun drank too much punch eh? BNow I'm piseed as a frart and it's all your fault eh?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
I', gonna watch big brother cause tit's got boobie s on it eh?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
iseed as f¨ck eh?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
oh fuck
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
too drunk eh/
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
but you're gone yhen eh? off to a picnic and stuff ehy?
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
but you're heaps nice andf i'm heaps drunk
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
fuckinmg punch
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
oYour'e away, awaaaayyy!!!! Pissed as a fart
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
I miss youuuuu
Harry Windsor - The Bloodnut Prince says:
Enlle? Yu there eh?
EmLah at 3:50 pm