Saturday, July 23, 2005
jeeez im bored
but i was too tired to go out earlier, i guess i still am now but i just keep gettin frustrated fr no reason. guess its cos thers nothing to do anymore. ah well only another 2 months and ill b in wales :) i'd probably be happier ifthe new rollercoaster game was better, what is it about theme park games that they just go pants when made 3d? its like theme park world, for some reason i always end up fighting the mouse or the angle or the placement of an object, stupid paths dont go rightlike they did in the 2nd one. actually its probly only annoyin me cos its basically the 2nd one but in 3d and ther isnt much new, except for this cool lil thing where u can change what the stalls sell and how they sell them. lol now i sound like im a huge fan, still im glad one aspect is good.
why is ther no one but emma online........ tum ti tum.
i probly shudv just gone out. hopefully i wont spend any money online as thatd mean that nothing good came of me ot going out heh.
just emailed wachel, paul n dave aboot reading, felt kinda rude asking for the money, make me feel a bit mean even tho i know im in the right i still got a little sick feeling when i hit send!
peace out
EmLah at 8:52 pm